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Object Validator Rule Manager Platform
Rule Editor
Manage rules that include complex combinations within one interface. You can add, edit, or remove rules effortlessly at your fingertips without restarting your Windchill server.
Set unique name and description to view in the user's interface.
Rules can be turned off or on
Set rule type name, or IBA name by setting the Attribute
Set Rule Status to pass or fail for validation
Set objects that are applicable or not applicable to rules based on type, extension, context and more.
Apply rules to be used in a Change Task, Promotion, User Action, Change Request or Workflow and more.
Custom API call of your own custom rule based on a Java class.
Rows: 4
Rule Name | Description |
Checks to see if the associated CAD Document that is linked to a drawing is the latest version | |
AlreadyChangeObject | Checks if the changeable is in a Change Object and its specified state. |
AssociatedAnnotationsSet | Checks to see if an object being validated in a Change Request has its Associated Annotations in the Affected Objects table. |
AssociatedDrawingLinkedToCadIsLatestVersion | Checks to see if the associated Drawing with reference type Drawing Reference that is linked to a CAD Document is the latest version. |
AssociatedEPMDocIsLatestVersion | Checks to see if the associated EPMDocument that is linked to a WTPart (CAD/Dynamic Documents) is the latest version. |
AssociatedWTDocIsLatestVersion | Checks to see if the associated WTDocument that is linked to a WTPart (Described By Document or Reference Document) is the latest version. |
AssociatedWTPartIsLatestVersion | Checks to see if the associated WTPart that is linked (to an EPMDocument (Parts) or WTDocument (Describes Parts)) is the latest version. |
AssyBomChildren | Verifies if structure children are in a valid state at a specific level and included in the change process. |
AssyBomChildrenPastState | Validates if a CAD Document or WTPart structure child has been assigned to a specified lifecycle state in its history. Example: If a child part within a structure that has never been in the RELEASED state before then the rule can be set to fail or pass.
Also determines if any child with an invalid state are included within the approval process. |
AssyBomChildrenPastStateNotInValidation | Validates if a CAD Document or WTPart structure child that is not in a validation (not selected within a right mouse click or not within a change object) has been assigned to a specified lifecycle state in its history. Example: If a child part within a structure that has never been in the RELEASED state before then the rule can be set to fail or pass. The child is not either selected or within a change object.
Also determines if any child with an invalid state are included within the approval process. |
AssyBomChildrenRequired | Determine if all children in a structure has been collected in the validation. |
AssyBomChildrenState | Checks to see if a child of an EPMDocument assembly or WTPart structure are at the state specified in the Value field, children do not need to be in the validation. |
AttributesHaveSameValue | |
AttributesHaveValue | Validate one or more attributes (IBAs) includes a value (not empty). |
CADHasPart | Validates if an CAD Document has an associated WTPart and determines if the associated WTPart is included in the validation. |
CADHasPartNotInValidation | Checks to see if an EPMDocument has an associated WTPart, the associated WTPart does not have to be in the validation. |
CheckedOut | Validates objects within Change Notice or Promotion Request are checked-out. |
CustomRule | Run a user defined java class to validate objects or workflows. |
DocHasPart | Validates if an WTDocument has an associated WTPart and determines if the associated WTPart is included in the validation. |
DrwHasCAD | Checks to see if a CAD Drawing has an associated CAD Object and the associated CAD Object is included in the validation. |
DrwHasCADSameNum | Checks to see if a CAD Drawing has an associated CAD Object with the same number value and the associated CAD Object is included in the validation. |
DrwHasMultipleCADRefs | Checks to see if a CAD Drawing has multiple associated CAD Objects. |
DrwModifiedLast | Checks to see if a drawing was modified last. After any related drawing references. |
DxfAttachmentNumberMatches | Checks to see if a CAD Drawing has an associated DXF attachment with the same number value. |
FamiliyTableGeneric | Validates if a family table generic is within a validation set that includes a family table instance. |
FamilyTableVerified | Validates if family table instances are verified within a validation set. |
IBA | Checks the IBA specified in the Attribute against the Operator and Value. |
ObjectPermission | Validates the current user permission specified on any object. |
PartHasCAD | Validates if an WTPart has an associated CAD Document and determines if the associated CAD Document is included in the validation. |
PartHasCadAssociations | Check to see if a WTPart has one of the listed cad associations (links) in the value field. |
PartHasDescByDoc | Checks to see if a WTPart has an associated Described By Document and the associated Described By Document is included in the validation. |
PartHasDescByDocNotInValidation | Checks to see if a WTPart has an associated Described By Document and the associated Described By Document. |
PartHasRefDoc | Checks to see if a WTPart has an associated Reference Document and the associated Reference Document is included in the validation. |
PartHasRefDocNotInValidation | Checks to see if a WTPart has an associated Reference Document.<br><br>Only supports equals for the Operator. |
RelatedSameAtts | Validates related objects (CAD Document, WTPart) includes the same IBA with the same value and they are in the same Promotion or Change object. |
RelatedSameNumber | Validates if the related CAD Document and WTPart have the same number (less extenstion) and are both in the Change Resulting Objects or Promotion Request. |
RelatedSaveName | Validates if the related CAD Document and WTPart have the same name (less extension) and are both in the Change Resulting Objects or Promotion Request. |
RelatedSaveRevision | Checks to see if related items (EPMDocument, WTPart) have the same revision and are in the validation. |
ReleaseTargetSet | Checks to see if the Release Target was set in a Change Task. |
RepAdditionalFilesExist | Checks to see if the Representation contains additional file types as specified |
SheetmetalHasDXF | Check if any sheetmetal CAD part includes a DXF file as an attachment. |
ValidState | Determines the objects within a validation are in a specific lifecylce state based on a comma delimited list within the Value input filled. |
WTPartStrucuture | Checks to see if an assembly EPMDocument has an associated WTPart with structure. |
WtDocHasPrimaryContent | Checks to see if a WTDocument has primary content of the format specified. |
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